Drone operations
– Flight schedule


Stellaire has many years of experience inspecting and analyzing critical infrastructure throughout the Nordics and internationally. Drones are increasingly popular because they offer a more efficient, quiet, safe, and sustainable infrastructure inspection solution than conventional aircraft.

Flight schedule

UAV Operasjoner:

Glitre Nett (uke 19-36)
Elvia (uke 36-44)

Kvinesdal, Tonstad, Sirdal, Sira og Gyland (Glitre Nett)
Uke 32
Buskerud, Kongsberg, Flesberg, Hønefoss, Drammen, Lier, Asker, Øvre Eiker, Lunner og Brandbu (Glitre Nett)
Uke 33
Gran, Jevnaker, Oslo (Nordmarka), (Glitre Nett)
Uke 34
Beitostølen - Vangsmjøse - Fagernes - Dokka - Søndre land (Elvia)
Uke 36
Kvinesdal, Tonstad, Sirdal, Sira og Gyland (Glitre Nett)
Uke 38
Place / Location
Week (START)

Stellaire phone number: 488 55 441

We’re here to answer your questions.

Get in touch to learn how we can help you and your business with a smarter, greener, and safer way to monitor the condition of your infrastructure.